Course image The Lived Experience of Mental Health (PMH7023) SEM2 2023 - 2024
2023 - 2024

Why are you studying this module?

This module introduces you to some of the people who work in and use mental health services in the UK. It follows on from the more theoretically oriented PMH7022 Foundations of Mental Health module. The Lived Experience module is entirely focussed on the real-world experiences of mental health practitioners and clients.

Although the module will be guided by an academic module leader (Dr Arlinda Cerga Pashoja), the sessions will be mainly conducted by visiting practitioners and those who are “experts by experience”.

 Learning outcomes 

- Demonstrate an insight into the personal distress that people with mental health issues experience.

- Appreciate the limits within which mental health practitioners operate

- Appropriately modify the application of theoretical knowledge to real world constraints

- Recognise the subtle but powerful issue of intersectionality within dynamics of oppression of marginalised people who use mental health services

Timetabled sessions 

This module will run on campus and online.  Each week there will be supplementary materials (accessed through Moodle) you need to engage with prior to the lectures. 


You should check Moodle and your St Mary’s e-mail on a regular basis to ensure that you have the latest information. Making these checks is your responsibility.

It is important for your success on the module that you make every attempt to attend all the scheduled sessions for the module. Attendance will be monitored throughout the academic year. If you cannot attend please inform Arlinda via email ( as soon as possible before the session, and explain why you will be absent. If you are having personal problems that make attendance difficult for you, then please speak with your personal tutor.